Nucleus Created Diamonds

In the past, all diamonds came from diamond mines. But we now have the ability to CREATE diamonds. Fantastic diamonds.Introducing the Nucleus Created Diamond, available only at Everett Jewelry!


Created diamonds are diamonds that are produced in a laboratory. They are identical to geological (or mined) diamonds and have the exact same physical, optical, and chemical characteristics as geological diamonds.

It is impossible to tell the difference, even by an expert with a microscope. There are only a few very expensive, specialized machines that can detect any possible differences.  As of today, only a few gemological institutes like GIA, HRD, and IGI can detect if a diamond is a created or a geological one

The two most common ways to create gem quality diamonds are:HPHT (High Pressure High Temperature) process:  This process imitates the way diamonds are formed in the depths of the earth.  A tiny diamond crystal is put into a chamber with carbon in the form of graphite and a metal catalyst.  Under enormous pressure and very high temperature, the metal catalyst dissolves the graphite and the carbon atoms bond with the tiny diamond seed and grow into a bigger diamond. The tiny diamond seed can be a Created Diamond or a Geological Diamond.CVD (Chemical Vapor Deposition) process:In this process a diamond "seed" in the form of a square is put into a reactor with a combination of gases.  With the help of a microwave gun, the gases are heated until they become plasma (a state where the atoms are separated from one another).  The free carbon atoms are then deposited onto the diamond seed. The diamond seed can come from a Created or a Geological Diamond.

Everett Jewelry

1819 East 70th Street

Shreveport, LA 71105